Roof Resto

Roof Restoration: How Long Does A Roof Resto Take To Complete?

We’re often asked, by customers, how long it takes to complete replacements and restorations. We always give the same answer. While there are definitely ballpark estimates – and these are used by our roofing team to keep projects on track – the truth is that there is no way to guarantee a specific timeframe. Ultimately, a roof restoration can be influenced by a whole range of different factors.

Your roof is not exactly the same as the one that your neighbour has, for example, so it requires a unique approach. It has its own needs and features. The climate that you live in could affect how long it takes to complete the project. Clearly, the bigger the roof, the longer it will take to restore. There are all kinds of variables that will have an impact on how our roofing specialists carry out their work.

So, the truth is that no roofing company worth its salt can promise you that a restoration will be completed by a specific date. However, with the right skills and expertise, we can guarantee high quality workmanship and a reliable, efficient service.

What is Included in a Full Roofing Restoration?

A complete restoration involves a number of different processes. It begins with a thorough clean. The team will wash the roof and remove as much dirt and grime as possible, with the use of a specialised pressure hose. Then, the degraded bedding will be carefully removed and entirely replaced with fresh, new materials.

All cracked, chipped, or broken tiles will also be replaced with high quality components. Following this, flexible pointing will be installed and a robust primer applied to the whole roof. This will be enhanced with a coating of sealant and, if it is deemed necessary, a colour correction treatment. The aim is to leave you with a roof that is rejuvenated and revived.

How Long Does a Complete Restoration Take?

The typical timeframe for a roof restoration is around 3 to 4 days, though as discussed, there are lots of factors that can influence this. It is really important that homeowners understand that compromises on quality cannot be made.

Our team is committed to providing the best service possible, so if it takes an extra day or two, this is usually because we’re trying to make sure that the weather doesn’t cause problems or that you have access to premium materials.

While most of the restoration stages can be carried out in wet conditions, a day is needed for the coating and pointing. The team will discuss these matters with you if they are relevant, because a day or two may need to be added to the estimated timeframe.

What is the Expected Lifespan of a Roof Restoration?

The average roof restoration, if completed to a high standard, has the potential to last for as long as twenty five years. So, you can look at this service as an investment in the future of your home. You may even be able to pass the workmanship onto your own children. Or, it will earn you a tidy increase in resale value if you decide to sell.

The work that we carry out on your roof is covered by a warranty and a quality guarantee. This represents a promise that we make to you, as our loyal customer. We promise to provide the highest quality of workmanship and the best materials. We promise to only use cutting edge methods and leave you with a roof that is sturdy, strong, and stylish.

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